Food Processing
When Should Babies Stop Eating Purees? May 7, 2021
The baby’s diet is very important in the growth process. Because the baby grows very quickly, the baby’s diet within one year of age must be changed from breast milk to fruit puree and finally to solid food. Fruit puree is a very important transition. Baby eats fruit puree has also many benefits.Starting to eat […]
What Is Fish Feed Formulation? May 7, 2021
Fish is the main body of the aquatic industry and has very important economic significance. At the same time, fish is also an essential nutrient that we need in life. The meat of fish is delicious, rich in nutrition, and its protein content is significantly higher than that of milk and eggs. It can supplement […]
What's The Difference Between Panko Bread Crumbs And Regular? May 7, 2021
Bread crumbs are an indispensable ingredient in modern kitchens. They are mainly used to make a variety of fried foods, which can make fried foods have a crispy outside and tender inside. This also makes fried foods become one of the most popular foods. There are many types of breadcrumbs, and different brands of breadcrumbs […]
What Food Products Can Extrusion Be Used On? May 7, 2021
The development of science and technology has brought tremendous changes to our lives. Various industries have undergone great changes under the impact of science and technology. Food extrusion technology in the food processing industry has become the most popular new technology. Foods are very popular in the market. In order to catch up with the […]
Can I Eat Soya Chunks Daily? May 7, 2021
Soya chunk is a new type of food, and it is the gospel of many vegetarians. The taste of soya chunks is similar to animal meat, but it does not contain fat and cholesterol. Its protein content is comparable to animal meat, so many people now in pursuit of health, soya chunks will be used […]
Are Cookie Businesses Profitable? May 7, 2021
Biscuits are a very common ingredient and have been widely welcomed by the public. From the elderly to the children, they have unique feelings for biscuits. With the progress of the food processing industry, there are more and more types of biscuits, which also makes biscuits always occupy a dominant position among snack foods.Of course, […]
How Do You Make Corn Flakes From Scratch? April 30, 2021
Breakfast is the most important meal of our day. If you want to have a healthy body and a full day, it is very necessary to eat a nutritious breakfast. Most people’s breakfast is eggs, bread, milk and other foods. I wonder if you’re tired of it? Now corn flakes have become the new favorite […]
Is Corn Flakes Made From Sweet Corn? April 27, 2021
The improvement of living standards not only makes our lives more colorful, but also makes us pay more attention to physical health. People's diet gradually changed from big fish to light. Especially when the morning hours are more urgent, people will choose to use breakfast cereals instead of traditional breakfast.The emergence of breakfast cereals has […]
Is Egg Used In Biscuits? April 27, 2021
I believe many people like to eat biscuits very much. For leisure and entertainment or when visiting relatives and friends, biscuits are the best choice to enhance the atmosphere. There are also many types of biscuits, such as chocolate biscuits, sandwich biscuits and wafer biscuits, which are very popular. And now there are more and […]
Is It Good To Eat Soya Chunks Everyday? April 27, 2021
In recent years, soy nuggets have gradually become a popular delicacy. This is mainly because people have realized the importance of health. Eating too much meat will put a heavy burden on our body. The appearance of soy nuggets gave people hope.Soy nuggets are actually a vegetarian food. It is made with plants as raw […]
Is Soya Chunks Vegetable? April 27, 2021
Soy nuggets are considered a very healthy food. It is a good substitute for people who want to avoid eating meat. Soybean nuggets look very similar to animal meat in appearance. And the taste is very tough and full of fiber. Therefore, it does not taste much different from real animal meat. Soy nuggets can […]
What Age Can Babies Eat Cooked Rice? April 26, 2021
The growth of a baby requires a lot of hard work from parents, especially before the baby is one year old. Because they haven't touched everything in this world. So everything around us is both fresh and dangerous to them. Especially in terms of diet, although our daily food seems to us to be ordinary. […]
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  • AddressC623, Jiahui Global Plaza, No. 548, Beiyuan Street, Tianqiao District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
  • Factory AddressADD -300m North of Zhangxia Industrial Park, Binhe Road, Zhangxia Town, Changqing District, Jinan